Instrument Debrief for REVEAL

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Instrument Debrief for REVEAL

Sortie Number:  05-9027

Instrument Performance:

 All in all another great flight for us and all involved with REVEAL. LIP access to REVEAL5 has been improved. Sky repaired ssh on both REVEALs and gave LIP an account on inbound3. Access to REVEAL for LIP is now ssh via inbound3. Secure ID to DFRC, LIP then ssh to inbound3, then ssh to REVEAL. Works fine for them.

Sortie 05-9027 was a successful flight for the REVEAL team. Both REVEAL systems and all displays worked well during flight. We discovered that we inadvertently had pointed the fuel temperature displays to the wrong REVEAL box, but this problem has been corrected. The archived data for the July 9 flight has been reprocessed and we believe now has the correct temperature values. Future live data should also be correct. We observed five dropouts to REVEAL 005 and seven dropouts to REVEAL 006 over the period of interest ( ~8 flight hours plus one hour before and after). We confirmed a problem with REVEAL 006 dropouts to be related to configuration anomalies with point-to-point link protocol (PPP). Introduced latency metric as a component of demultiplexing. The Latency metric calculated the difference between capture of a data packet for storage/processing and the timestamp embedded in the packet itself. Several interesting features of network data flow and node synchronization are indicated from this useful metric.

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