23Sep2010 14Z Daily GRIP Telecon

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23Sep2010 14Z Daily GRIP Telecon

Flight Date: 
Thu, 09/23/2010

23 Sep 2010

GRIP (FLL-JSC-DFRC) 14Z Daily Telecon / Webinar


FLL Team – Marilyn Vasques, Ed Zipser, Gerry Heymsfield, Michele Garrett, Matt He, Jon Zawislak, Instrument and Forecast teams


Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Michael Goodman, Scott Braun, Bud Meins, Tim Miller, Steve Cole, Michael Black

Global Hawk Report

·      Aircraft – green

o   Thursday 23 Sept. 15Z takeoff (8:00 AM PST), maximum flight time of 26 hrs. Target is PGI46L.  9 hr. ferry both ways.

·      Droposonde – red

o   Have ordered another spring.  Doing more tests.  Can’t guarantee when the test flight will be but shooting for Tuesday.

o   May extend GH flights to Oct 7 with full support.

o   Potential science flight when dropsondes become available.

o   Decision on Friday whether to remove HIWRAP and LIP.

o   Still worthwhile to fly with dropsondes without other instruments available.

o   Re-fly of Low Altitude test flight and high altitude flights in one day. Must be a weekday and have a chase plane.

·      HAMSR – green

·      LIP – green

·      HIWRAP – green

WB-57 Report

·      Aircraft - green

·      HIRAD – green

o   HIRAD removed from NASA926– but this is standard procedure since no targets in range. N926 to be used this week for pilot procedure

o   Possible flight Sunday flown from Ellington Field if PGI46L/AL95 storm makes it into western Caribbean.

o   Hangar use available through 30 September.

o   WB-57 approved to extend flights until at least 30 September

·      NAST-I still delayed – probably will not take part.

DC8 Report

·      Aircraft– green

o   No fly day

o   Objectives achieved with PGI46L and Calipso and Cloudsat overpasses.

o   No plan to fly with GH on Friday.

o   Pack DC8 on Thursday and Friday.  Transit home Saturday.

·      LASE – green

·      LARGE – green

·      APR2 – green

·      DAWN – green

·      Microphysics – green

o   CSI cannot fly for the duration of GRIP

·      MMS – green

·      Dropsonde – green


·      Work has begun on preparation of charts for NASA HQ briefing.

·      Need platform scientist reports for GH

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GRIP telecon 14z_23Sep2010.docx 17.32 KB


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