New GHRC archive

GHRC Operations staff has completed migration of all datasets from our aging tape archive system to spinning disk. The tape archive system will be retired at the end of this month.


LANCE logo

Helen Conover and Sherry Harrison attended the LANCE (Land Atmosphere Near real time Capability for EOS) User Working Group telecon in April 29. Sherry presented a “LANCE AMSR2 Update” describing the LANCE AMSR2 system and the newly released AMSR2 Rain Ocean product.

ESIP logo

Ken Keiser (UAH) represented the GHRC at a meeting held April 27-28 in Boulder to plan and organize an expanded Testbed environment for the ESIP community. During the next 6 months, ESIP plans to begin demonstrating additional capabilities and services that will be available for the geoscience community, including NASA Earth science.

EGU 2015

GHRC DAAC Manager Rahul Ramachandran worked with Kwo-Sen Kuo and Morris Riedel to organize a session on “Big Data for Earth Science - Challenges, Practices, and Opportunities” for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, held April 12-17 in Vienna, Austria. He also co-authored two presentations:

Kuo, Kwo-Sen, and Rahul Ramachandran. 2015. “What Is the Fuss about Big Data.” In European Geosicences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

Maskey, Manil, Rahul Ramachandran, and Kwo-Sen Kuo. 2015. “Collaborative WorkBench (CWB): Enabling Experiment Execution, Analysis And Visualization With Increased Scientific Productivity.” In European Geosicences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria.

GCPEx logo

GHRC has published Version 2 of the GPM Ground Validation Environment Canada (EC) Micro Rain Radar (MRR) GCPEx dataset. The data were collected GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) in Ontario, Canada during the winter season 2012 and provide derived quantitative rain rates, drop size distributions, radar reflectivity and fall velocities on vertical profiles. The University of Wisconsin reprocessed the original raw spectra into the netCDF format using the Maahn method for netCDF conversion and also using the improved Maahn micro rain radar snow algorithm to convert the snow cases. Updated documentation is also provided.


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