2011 GLM Agenda

GOES-R Science Week 2011

GLM Annual Science Meeting Agenda
19-20 September 2011
National Space Science and Technology Center
Room 4078
Huntsville, Alabama

Last Update: September 16, 2011

Meeting Goal: Review the progresses and accomplishments of the GLM Science and Application Team over the past year and make recommendations for the coming year.

Meeting Objectives:

  1. Review the progress of GLM research over the past year.
  2. Review validation plans and possible field campaigns.
  3. Discuss/review priorities for the coming year.



12:30 p.m.: Greeting and logistics- Harold Peterson
12:45 p.m.: GOES-R Program Update- Steve Goodman (NOAA NESDIS)
1:15 p.m.: GLM Instrument- Karen Gheno (Lockheed Martin ATC)
1:45 p.m.: DARPA NIMBUS program- Matthew Goodman (DARPA)
2:15 p.m.: Spectral studies of lightning- Hugh Christian (UAH)
2:45 p.m.: Coffee break
3:00 p.m.: Lightning jump algorithm and national field demo- Larry Carey/Chris Schultz (UAH)
3:45 p.m.: Training- Brian Motta (NWS)
4:05 p.m.: Hazardous weather test bed proving ground - Geoff Stano (NASA SPoRT)
4:25 p.m.: National Hurricane Center proving ground- Mark DeMaria (NOAA NESDIS)
4:45 p.m.: Estimating storm intensity from space- John Mecikalski (UAH)
5:00 p.m.: Lightning NOx- Harold Peterson (NASA NPP)
5:15 p.m.: Adjourn


8:00 a.m.: EUMETSAT update- Rolf Stuhlmann (EUMETSAT)
8:30 a.m.: WWLLN update- Bob Holzworth (UWash)
8:45 a.m.: WTLN- Stan Heckman (Earth Networks)
9:00 a.m.: CHUVA - Rich Blakeslee (NASA-MSFC)
9:15 a.m.: OKLMA- Don MacGorman (NOAA NSSL)
9:30 a.m.: West Texas LMA- Eric Bruning (TX Tech)
9:45 a.m.: TBD- Ken Cummins (Arizona)
10:00 a.m.: HAMMA (Bitzer) (UAH)
10:15 a.m.: Cal overview (Iacovazzi) (NOAA)
10:30 a.m.: Validation- group discussion (Buechler/Blakeslee) (UAH/NASA-MSFC)
11:00 a.m.: Posters/coffee break (2096)
12:00 p.m.: Lunch
1:00 p.m.: Spring proving ground- group discussion (Kristin Kuhlman/Chris Siewart) (OU CIMMS)
2:00 p.m.: Proxy data sets- group discussion (Monte Bateman) (USRA)
3:00 p.m.: Coffee break
4:00 p.m.: Summary of meeting/update last year’s list of action items-group discussion
5:15 p.m.: adjourn

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