GCPEX logoGHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation DC-8 Camera Nadir GCPEx dataset. This dataset contains geo-located visible-wavelength imagery of the ground obtained from the nadir camera aboard the NASA DC-8 in Canada during the Cold-season Precipitation experiment. The data is available only for February 20, 2012, a clear-air flight day. DC-8 Camera nadir data may be useful for determining snow cover and lake ice cover for emissivity studies in conjunction with CoSMIR data, for example. The dataset also includes, for convenience and reproducibility, aircraft navigation information and ground temperatures to aid in emissivity retrievals.


GCPEX logoGHRC has started publishing data from the the GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx). The GPM Ground Validation DC-8 Navigation and Housekeeping Data GCPEX dataset is composed of two types of files. National Suborbital Education and Research Center (NSERC) of the University of North Dakota (UND) provided the geo-located housekeeping data containing the altitude, pressure, air speed, wind speed and other attributes. The NASA DC-8 Navigation data in comma delimited IWG1 format were collected and utilized in-flight during the GCPEx mission and retrieved from the Real-Time Mission Monitor.


Ken Keiser (UAH/ITSC) represented GHRC at the GEOSS Future Products Workshop 2013, held March 26-28 at the NOAA Science Center in Silver Spring, MD. This workshop provided a unique opportunity to learn how GEOSS as a platform makes all sorts of sensor and model data available in an interoperable manner, with a particular focus on Sensor Web and Model Web.


Rahul Ramachandran (UAH/ITSC) represented GHRC at the first plenary meeting of the newly formed Research Data Alliance, March 18-23 in Gothenburg, Sweden. The goal of the RDA is to accelerate international data-driven innovation and discovery through the development and adoption of infrastructure, policy, practice, standards, and other deliverables. RDA sponsors include the RDA/US activity funded by the National Science Foundation, as well as the European Commission and Australia. Dr. Ramachandran will be leading a Big Data Working Group within RDA.

Sample browse imageGHRC has published the GPM Ground Validation Flight Summaries and Flight Tracks Imagery MC3E dataset which  provides processed summaries from University of North Dakota including sonde maps, a radar animation, parameter versus time charts, radar track graphs, as well as aircraft and instrument operational times for flights during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) held in Oklahoma in 2011. The Flight Tracks imagery includes one animation for May 11, 2011 and five-minute snapshots of flight tracks from the Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM). This dataset will be distributed with the MC3E ER-2 Navigation and the Citation Navigation datasets, which are also part of the GHRC collection of GPM Ground Validation data from MC3E.


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