OTD LIS heritage figureThe Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) Science Team announces the release of version 2.3.2011 of the LIS/OTD Climatology data sets. The LIS/OTD Climatology data sets consist of gridded climatologies of total lightning flash rates seen by the spaceborne Optical Transient Detector (OTD) and Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS). These data sets can be ordered from the GHRC DAAC using HyDRO.

More information on the LIS/OTD Climatology data sets can be found at


GCPEX logoNASA is currently flying an airborne science laboratory above Canadian snowstorms to tackle a difficult challenge facing the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite mission -- measuring snowfall from space. Working with Environment Canada, NASA's GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) is measuring light rain and snow in Ontario from Jan. 17 to Feb. 29.

More information on the GCPEx Experiment can be found at


The AMSR-E SIPS at the GHRC DAAC would like to announce the availability of AMSR-E near real-time data subscriptions.
With a data subscription, we will push selected data products to a designated computer as soon as the products are generated. In order to receive these products via subscription, you must be a registered LANCE user. Please let us know if you are interested in using our subscription service for AMSR-E near real-time data.

More information about LANCE AMSR-E near real-time data is available at


LANCE logoThe AMSR-E SIPS at the GHRC DAAC has implemented incremental daily processing for our AMSR-E near real-time Level 3 daily (Ocean, Land, Snow, Sea Ice ) products. Partial products are created several times per day (currently every 3 hours) using whatever L2 data is available at the time of creation, in order to reduce latency for these products.

These partial products (identified by "P") will be available in the same FTP directories as the complete real-time daily products (identified by "R"). Each new partial product for a given day will have the same file name as the previously-generated one, but will incorporate additional input files. A new partial product can be distinguished by creation time shown in the directory listing. Once the full daily file is available the partial file for that day will be deleted.

More information about LANCE AMSR-E near real-time data is available at



LANCE logoThe AMSR-E SIPS at the GHRC DAAC would like to announce the expanded availability of AMSR-E near real-time data products through the Land Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE). These near real-time swath and daily products are generally available to registered users within three hours of observation. In order to provide for full system redundancy, the SIPS has implemented a second string ftp server at Users should obtain data from this location in the event that the primary LANCE ftp server ( is unavailable. Both strings are located on the UAHuntsville campus and managed by SIPS personnel, but are located in different buildings and connected to different networks. Redundant processing strings will greatly reduce the possibility of data being unavailable due to system outages.

More information about LANCE AMSR-E near real-time data is available at


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