The GHRC Science Team met with several individuals from the NASA SERVIR program on April 25 to define organizational goals, determine potential areas of collaboration, and understand how GHRC can better cater towards applied Earth science user needs.

DEVELOP logoGHRC staff met with the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center DEVELOP team to share program information and discuss future collaborations. DEVELOP is a training and development program sponsored by NASA's Earth Science Applied Sciences Program. In particular, GHRC staff scientists presented a proposal to assist with a fall and spring term DEVELOP project in collaboration Dr. Patrick Gatlin (NASA/MSFC) in which a lightning vulnerability map will be produced for the Hindu-Kush region of the Himalaya.

Image from "Using ArcGIS to Convert LIS Very High Resolution Gridded Lightning Climatology NetCDF Data to GeoTIFF Format" data recipe

GHRC DAAC staff published a new data recipe titled "Using ArcGIS to Convert LIS Very High Resolution Gridded Lightning Climatology NetCDF Data to GeoTIFF Format".  This publication gives step-by-step instructions for transforming in ArcMap the Lightning Climatology data constructed using 17-years of TRMM Lightning Imaging Sensor data.  The climatology and LIS data are available at the GHRC DAAC.

Deborah Smith, ITSC researcher and lead scientist for the GHRC DAAC, attended the OLYMPEX Science Team meeting March 21-23, 2017. Her presentation “OLYMPEX Data: GHRC Archival and Services for a Variety of Data Users” discussed the DAAC’s role with respect to engaging users of OLYMPEX data beyond the science team.

GHRC DAAC Deputy Manager Manil Maskey and Operations Manager Helen Conover attended the annual meeting of NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Working Groups in Annapolis, Maryland, March 21-23, 2017. GHRC staff contributed to recommendations from the following groups that were presented at the meeting: Airborne Metadata Standards, Atmospheric Science User Forum, Data Quality. We expect to contribute to several groups in the coming year.

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