GHRC’s data processing and management team for the Lightning Imaging Sensor to be deployed to the International Space Station (ISS LIS) participated in the ISS LIS Mission Operations Internal Review on 12/20. This review focused on Payload Operations Center status, including computer systems, software, instrument health and status analysis, activation plan and nominal operations plan. Will Ellett, GHRC’s project manager for ISS LIS activities, presented GHRC status and plans to support the mission. Launch of the instrument is currently planned for early February, following SpaceX’s return to flight on January 8.

On December 7, the Science staff of the Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GHRC DAAC) held a quarterly telecon with the DAAC’s User Working Group (UWG). Primary topics included plans for the coming year for new micro articles related to GHRC datasets, approaches for curating virtual collections. UWG members provided guidance in both areas, and offered specific help in drafting and reviewing micro articles. The GHRC team also requested volunteers for subject matter experts to help with the Atmospheric Science User Forum, and shared plans for the GHRC presence at AGU.

GHRC DAAC staff attended the 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) held in San Francisco, 12-16 December. GHRC-related posters and presentations include:

Here are some images from AGU 2016

IPHEx graphic

The Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) has published the GPM Ground Validation ACHIEVE W-Band Cloud Radar IPHEx (DOI: dataset. The data were gathered during the the GPM Ground Validation Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx) Intensive Observing Period (IOP) in North Carolina from May 1, 2014 through June 15, 2014. The dataset includes data from the ProSensing 94 GHz W-Band cloud radar instrument, which is part of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Aerosol, Cloud, Humidity, Interactions Exploring and Validating Enterprise (ACHIEVE) ground-based mobile laboratory. The W-Band cloud radar is a scanning 94 GHz dual-polarization (horizontal transmission and co- and cross-polar receiving) Doppler radar used for observing liquid and ice clouds and light precipitation. The instrument also measures co- and cross-polar reflectivity, radial velocity, Doppler spectrum width, and signal-to-noise ratio. Linear depolarization ratio was derived from the measured parameters. During the IPHEx campaign the W-Band radar was used exclusively in vertical-pointing mode. Data files are available in netCDF3 data format.

The AMSR Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS) at the GHRC DAAC has completed integration and testing of the AMSR Unified (AMSR-U) version 1-beta Level-2 Land, including end-to-end testing with the NSIDC DAAC. The Level-2 Land algorithm is the first generating AMSR-U standard products and is now running routinely in production at the SIPS. The AMSR-U Level 2B surface soil moisture products are generated from the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) AMSR2 L1R brightness temperatures using two distinct algorithms: the Normalized Polarization Difference (NPD) algorithm and the Single Channel Algorithm (SCA).

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