GHRC DAAC User Services lead Sherry Harrison attended the NSIDC User Working Group (UWG) Meeting August 10, 2016 and the ESDIS User Needs Technical Interchange Meeting August 11-12, 2016. Ms. Harrison represented the GHRC DAAC at both meetings, which were held at the University of Colorado Boulder.

On August 3, GHRC DAAC Manager Dr. Rahul Ramachandran and Operations Manager Helen Conover met with Dr. Stephen Volz, NOAA’s Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services, who was visiting the NASA MSFC Earth Science Office. Ramachandran and Conover presented an overview of the GHRC and current informatics research, and discussed common issues in science data management at NASA and NOAA.

GHRC DAAC Manager Dr. Rahul Ramachandran and science outreach team member Kaylin Bugbee presented their work in Data-Centric Micro Articles to the DAAC Managers weekly telecon on August 8. The presentation covered current use of micro articles as a data curation tool at GHRC, and future plans to create knowledge graphs from the structured content in these articles. Other DAACs were invited to collaborate in defining templates and annotations for micro articles.

GHRC DAAC staff members Kaylin Bugbee, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Amanda Weigel, and Leigh Sinclair; and GHRC DAAC students Maniraj Selladurai, Anish Shekar, and Kush Shrestha provided information about the GHRC to two events for new and returning students at the University of Alabama in Huntsville: the Atmospheric Science Department’s Open House and the Student Research & Creative Experience Open House. Students were introduced to GHRC data and student research opportunities associated with the GHRC.


Ajinkya Kulkarni, lead web developer for GHRC, led a 4-hour hands-on workshop on Drupal 8 for GHRC staff and students. Drupal is free, open source software that can be used by individuals or groups of users to easily create and manage many types of web sites. GHRC uses Drupal technology for its main web site and other web-based applications. Earlier this summer, Kulkarni attended DrupalCon, a gathering of Drupal’s open source community.  Much of the technical focus of the meeting was on new features available in Drupal 8, that he was able to share with DAAC staff.

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