GHRC DAAC Operations Manager Helen Conover and System Architect Manil Maskey attended the annual meeting of NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems Working Groups, held April 6-8 at GSFC. They participated in a variety of working group discussions on topics related to data stewardship, data and metadata conventions, data services, and cloud computing, and ESDIS Standards Office activities. GHRC expects to take an active role in several groups selected for 2016. Maskey also participated in a side meeting with the ESDIS Common Metadata Repository team and others to discuss approaches for mapping science keywords used for search and discovery to variable names used within data files.

The GHRC DAAC participated in the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Atmospheric Science Department graduate student open house. During the event, GHRC team members Kaylin Bugbee and Amanda Weigel met individually with interested Earth System Science and Atmospheric Science students to discuss their research interests, and provided a group tour of GHRC that overviewed DAAC data holdings, science focus areas, field campaigns, projects and tools.

The LIS telescope can be seen at the lower right of the payload. Image by NASA's Kennedy Space Center.

Testing at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has been completed for the DoD STP-H5 (Space Test Program-Houston 5) package, which contains the International Space Station Lighting Imaging Sensor (ISS-LIS). STP-H5 has been put in “dwell” until time to integrate on the SpaceX spacecraft - set to launch August 1 for a 2-4 year or longer mission. ISS-LIS is a sister instrument to the LIS on NASA’s TRMM satellite. GHRC DAAC will provide product generation, archive and data distribution for ISS-LIS data.

The Global Hydrology Resource Center published two NASA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission Ground Validation datasets: IPHEx ER-2 Navigation (DOI:10.5067/GPMGV/IPHEX/NAV/DATA002) and Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) HyMeX (DOI: 10.5067/GPMGV/HYMEX/APU/DATA301). The Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEX) ER-2 Navigation data recorded second data includes date, time, lat/lon and altitude as well as outside meteorological parameters such wind speed/direction and temperature in the IWG1 (ASCII) data format. Flights took place over North Carolina from May 1, 2014 through June 14, 2014. The Autonomous Parsivel Unit (APU) HyMeX data provides precipitation data including raindrop size, counts and precipitation drop size; also included are the snowflake size, counts, rate and distribution. Data were collected from Italy and France during October and November 2012.

HS3 logoThe GHRC DAAC has extended the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Global Hawk Advanced Vertical Atmospheric Profiling System (AVAPS) Dropsonde System dataset, with the addition of ASCII data files to complement the existing netCDF data.  With the addition of these files, the entire AVAPS dropsonde dataset for HS3 is now available in both netCDF-4, the standard used for all HS3 data at GHRC, as well as the NCAR Earth Observing Laboratory’s “EOL” ASCII file format convention for sounding data, commonly used in the science community.

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