Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Sara Graves represented GHRC at the Board of Research Data and Information (BRDI) meeting on March 11 and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Climate Change Science Institute Science Advisory Board on March 12-13.

Manil talking about posters

GHRC was represented at ESDSWG by Dr. Rahul Ramachandran (GHRC DAAC Manager, NASA MSFC), Helen Conover (GHRC Ops Manager and ESDIS Standards Office, UAH/ITSC) and Manil Maskey (GHRC-affiliated researcher, UAH/ITSC). The group participated in a variety of sessions and presented posters describing Data Albums and Science on Drupal research, both ACCESS projects that are targeted for possible implementation at GHRC.

IFloodS logo

GHRC published the GPM Ground Validation NASA S-Band Dual Polarimetric (NPOL) Doppler Radar IFloodS dataset which data was collected during the Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) campaign April through June 2013. The data provides Doppler velocity, precipitation rate and radar reflectivity in the Universal Radar Format (UF).

Sample browse image


Ken Keiser at NSF EarthCube workshop

Ken Keiser represented GHRC at the NSF EarthCube End User Communities Stakeholder Workshop held in Washington DC March 18-20. This workshop was held as part of the EarthCube governance pilot activities to get input on how best to represent the interest of the various science stakeholders, including scientists, data providers, educators and other users. Ken was selected to serve as a member of the EarthCube Community Engagement Advisory Board.

GPM Constellation

GHRC has released a Guide supporting two similar datasets for the GCPEX and MC3E campaigns: GPM Ground Validation NCAR Cloud Microphysics Particle Probes. Both datasets provide data from three instrument probes carried aboard the University of North Dakota (UND) Cessna Citation aircraft. These probes, the 2D-C, Cloud Imaging Probe (CIP) and High Volume Precipitation Spectrometer (HVPS-3), collected particle size distributions and particle images which were processed by NCAR. Derived parameters include ice water content, liquid water content, and total number concentration. The GPM Cold-season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) took place in Ontario, Canada during the winter season of 2011-2012, and the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) occurred in central Oklahoma during the April-June 2011.

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