GHRC 2014 UWG Agenda

Logistics and Planning Information

Dates 0800 Thursday, September 25 2014 through 1500 Friday, September 26, 2014
Location National Space Science and Technology Center
Bud Cramer Research Hall
320 Sparkman Drive
Huntsville, Alabama  35899
Phone:  256-961-7000

(building #26 on campus map, west side of Sparkman Drive)
Documents UWG Charter



Meeting Agenda and Presentations

Day 1: Thursday, September 25, 2014

0800 - 0830

Coffee; meet and greet

0830 - 0845

GHRC Welcome (Ramachandran)

UAH Welcome (Graves)

0845 - 0945

Opening Comments

0945 - 1030 GHRC DAAC Overview Presentation
  • Management & Organization (Conover)
  • Vision (Ramachandran)


1030 - 1100 Break - SPoRT Tour (Zavodsky)
1100 - 1200 Infrastructure
  • Hardware and Processing Automation (Ellett, Beaumont)
  • Data Search, access and Order Tools (Harrison)



1200 - 1300 Working Lunch
1300 - 1430 Data and Related Tools


  • Field Campaigns
    • Data overview
      • Hurricane Science (Bugbee)
      • GPM Ground Validation (Hawkins)
    • Mission Coordination Portal (He)
    • HS3 Data System (Maskey)


1430 - 1500 Break
1500 - 1700 UWG Member presentations (10 minutes each)
Microwave Research

Lightning Research

Hurricane Science

GPM Ground Validation


1700 - 1730 Summary, actions, and wrap-up (Ramachandran)
1730 Adjourn
1830 Working Dinner - 1892 East ( Driving Directions)



Day 2: Friday, September 26, 2014

0800 - 0830 Coffee; meet and greet
0830 - 0845 Welcome, recap, plan for day (Ramachandran)
0845 - 0930 Lightning Data and Tools (Regner)
  • Data overview
  • LIS Space Time Search
  • GLM Validation Tool


0930 - 1000 AMSR SIPS highlights
  • LANCE AMSR2 (Lin)
  • AMSR-E Provenance Browser (McEniry)


1000 - 1020 ESDIS initiatives (Conover)
1020 - 1030 Charge to UWG (Ramachandran)
1030 - 1100 Break - SERVIR Tour (Irwin)
1100 - 1330 Executive Session - discussion and report (working lunch provided) (UWG)
1330 - 1430 Board Advice to DAAC - prioritization of current work and future efforts (All)
1430 - 1500 Summary of Actions and Meeting Wrap-up (Ramachandran)
1500 Adjourn





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