Location of MASC instrumentThe NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published the GPM Ground Validation Microwave Atmospheric Sounder on Cubesat (MASC) OLYMPEX dataset (

This dataset  consists of microwave radiance measurements collected during the GPM Ground Validation Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX) field campaign held in the Pacific Northwest. These data were collected by the MASC aboard the NASA DC-8 aircraft, for dates between November 10, 2016 and December 13, 2016. The data are provided in HDF-EOS5 format. 

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HS3 study areaThe NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC has published its first Field Campaign Micro Article. This Micro Article features the Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Field campaign. This campaign was a NASA mission that studied Atlantic Ocean hurricane formation using a pair of NASA Global Hawk unmanned aircraft. The mission occurred over 5 northern hemisphere late summers, with the primary focus on 2012, 2013, and 2014.

The HS3 Micro Article can be found at

Sample browse imageThe NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published the GPM Ground Validation Airborne Precipitation Radar 3rd Generation (APR-3) OLYMPEX V2 dataset (

This dataset was collected from November 12, 2015 to December 19, 2015 during the GPM Ground Validation Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX) field campaign held in the Pacific Northwest. This dataset is version -2 (V2) of the APR-3, an enhanced and upgraded instrument derived from the APR-2 used in previous field campaigns. APR-3 has the addition of W-band measurement capability, and scans cross-track from +/- 25° to the right and left of nadir. Ku-band, Ka-band, and W-band frequency Doppler measurements are made by APR-3 from the DC-8 aircraft at 10 km altitude during OLYMPEX. The APR-3 dataset files are in HDF-5 format with JPG format browse images. This dataset contains radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity for all bands, linear depolarization ratio at Ku-band, and normalized radar cross section measurements at Ka and Ku-bands. It should be noted that this dataset is version 2, replacing the previous APR-3 dataset published by GHRC in 2017 (DOI for previous version: This APR-3 dataset is intended for research and users should contact the APR-3 team regarding data use, especially before publication or public presentation. This dataset is still undergoing validation and quality control. Users are invited to address questions and provide feedback to the Data Provider.

Sample browse imageThe NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published the GPM Ground Validation CAX1 Radar RB5 format OLYMPEX dataset (

This dataset consists of radar parameters, such as radar reflectivity, Doppler velocity, Doppler width, Differential reflectivity, and signal quality index, provided on a 0.4 to 1.0 km spatial resolution within the OLYMPEX field campaign study region in the state of Washington. These data were obtained for the GPM Ground Validation OLYMPEX field campaign by the SELEX Meteor 60DX10 Compact Weather (CAX1) radar. The CAX1 radar was located at the southern tip of Vancouver Island on the Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Esquimalt Albert Head (AHD) military training area. The CAX1 radar was operated by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to support the OLYMPEX field campaign. These data are available in RB5 binary and PNG formats from November 13, 2015 to April 20, 2016. It should be noted that the RB5 data format is proprietary and requires access to read code from SELEX. We encourage users wanting to use the CAX1 data to instead use the CAX1 ODIM or CFradial formatted data. 


The NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) DAAC published the GPM Ground Validation Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) IFloodS dataset (

This dataset consists of rainfall rate estimates from the GSMaP project. The GSMaP global rain rate maps are derived by a collection of algorithms that utilize microwave (MW) radiometer data and geostationary Infrared (IR) data. The GSMaP Precipitation data product is provided on a 0.1 degree spatial resolution every hour and was made available for use during the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Ground Validation Iowa Flood Studies (IFloodS) field campaign. These data are available in netCDF-4 and binary formats from April 22, 2013 through June 30, 2013. The near real-time GSMaP data can be obtained from the JAXA GSMaP web page.

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